Manual skate sharpening
Guide how to sharpen skates with manual skate sharpener. Parduc M25 skate sharpener is used as an example on this guide.
Deburring on skate sharpening
The importance of deburring in skate sharpening cannot be exaggerated. Even the best sharpening result is not ready for ice, before deburring.
Using sharpening wax and -oil.
Sharpening wax is used for lubricating the sharpening procedure, and to lower the sharpening temperature. With the sharpening wax you will get extremely...
Skate profiling
Skate blade profile includes usually one or more different radiuses. In some cases, in the middle of the blade has a flat section. When the the radius...
Hollow sharpening (ROH)
Groove type- and depth on skate blade can be changed on sharpening. The most common groove type is radius sharpening, ROH (Radius of hollow). On this...